Marijuana – Who’s Using it and Why?

Marijuana – Who’s Using it and Why?


It’s used but not often talked about…..Pot! Also know as cannabis, marijuana, weed and grass, the herbal remedy is used medicinally in all kinds of treatments. The formal name is cannabis sativa and the active ingredient is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabiol or THC.  A hot topic in the news for its recreational uses, marijuana has been used to treat cancer patients for years. The substance has been described in medical texts in Indian and China for more than 3000 years! Until 1951 people used it for relief with many illnesses including chest pain, epilepsy, bronchitis and asthma. Congress passed a law classifying it as a narcotic drug then later in 1970 titled it a “schedule-1 drug” which meant that it could not be used for any medical purposes and had potential for abuse.

Well things have changed a little. With the advancement in technology, researchers can now identify different strains of the plant allowing more control over dosage and results. Most commonly used with patients suffering from AIDS and cancer, the drug is known to relieve pain, reduce nausea and vomiting and increase appetite.

What do the patients think?

According to a survey conducted by the National Center for biotechnology Information (NCBI) “Almost all respondents (97%) used medical cannabis primarily for relief of chronic pain. Average reported pain relief from medical cannabis was substantial. Average pre-treatment pain on a zero to ten scale was 7.8, whereas average post-treatment pain was 2.8, giving a reported average improvement of 5 points. This translates to a 64% average relative decrease in pain.”

What do doctors say?

According to the New York Times, a survey was conducted and approximately half of cancer specialists responded that they would prescribe the marijuana if legal.

What does the American Cancer Society say?

The American Cancer Society supports the need for more scientific research on cannabinoids for cancer patients, and on better and more effective therapies that can overcome the often debilitating side effects of cancer and its treatment. The Society also believes that the classification of marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration imposes numerous conditions on researchers and deters scientific study of cannabinoids. Federal officials should examine options consistent with federal law for enabling more scientific study on marijuana.”

“Ultimately, medical decisions about pain and symptom management should be made between the patient and his or her doctor, balancing evidence of benefit and harm to the patient, the patient’s preferences and values, and applicable laws and regulations.”

With numerous studies done, what do you think about the use of cannabis? For a little more research, visit the Collective Evolution for 20 studies completed on the topic.”

-brought to you by Cancer Rehabilitation Centers – Cancer Sucks, Go to rehab!

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